TCI Recognized by Cleanways
Tri-County Industries has been recognized by Tri-County CleanWays, a grassroots 501(c)(3) charitable organization serving Butler, Lawrence, and Mercer Counties. We have been awarded the distinction of Distinguished Business of the Year in acknowledgement of our service to the community, specifically for our recycling program provided at our customers' homes.
Tri-County Industries offers a unique, convenient recycling program to its residential customers. This program, also offered by our sister company Vogel Disposal, is unlike any other recycling service provided in the area. Each participating household is provided with a 96 gallon wheeled container in which all types of recyclable materials can be collected. The container is easily moved to the edge of the resident's driveway for curbside collection. Because of the size of these containers, pickup service can be less frequent to reduce costs, while still being efficient and sanitary. After collection by Tri-County Industries, recyclables are screened for contaminants and then sorted by type. The ease and convenience of our recycling program has resulted in enthusiastic participation from our customers.
We are honored to have been acknowledged by Tri-County CleanWays for our commitment to promoting responsible and sustainable practices.