Tri-County Industries, Inc. has joined the 2016 NWRA Safety Stand-Down, an initiative of the National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA). This week-long training and awareness effort is focused around reducing accidents, fatalities and injuries related to truck backing incidents which represents a common challenge for the industry.
The NWRA Safety Stand-Down on vehicle backing runs the week of January 25 – 29, 2016. Tri-County Industries, Inc. is a member of the Pennsylvania Waste Industries Association (PWIA), NWRA’s Pennsylvania Chapter, and shares NWRA’s commitment toward significantly improving safety for the waste and recycling industry.
Participation in the stand down means that Tri-County Industries, Inc. has joined with waste and recycling companies across the country to commit to:
Conducting a risk assessment at job sites and review safety policies and procedures for backing.
Review company policies, procedures, consider enhancements, and then training employees on any changes.
Posting Stand-Down materials to the company website, in employee meeting rooms and on social media sites.
“We are proud to participate in this nationwide effort as we come together to ensure that our workers, customers and community are all safe,” said Edward R. Vogel, Vice-President of Tri-County Industries, Inc. “Through training, effective communications and heightened awareness we are committed to helping improve safety across our industry.”
NWRA has made safety its top priority, a pledge shared by its member companies. This Stand-Down is positioned to provide participating companies with the tools, guidance and support necessary to move the needle on backing incidents.
“We are proud of the commitment of our members to work together to raise the bar for safety in our industry,” said Sharon H. Kneiss, NWRA President and Chief Executive Officer. “We recognize the need and are striving to make a real difference in keeping our workers and the people they serve safe.”
The Stand-Down brings together companies and interested parties throughout the nation to raise awareness and standards for safety by following sound safety practices and by sharing experiences and solutions. Additional details about the Stand-Down can be found at: The Safety Stand-Down effort is using the social media hashtag #StandForSafety.