How to Safely Pass a Garbage Truck On The Road
Last year, six waste collection employees nationwide died on the job after being hit by a car. This is an avoidable tragedy.
As part of the NW&RA, the Vogel family of companies is committed to keeping our drivers safe. Our drivers are our most valuable resources, but they are also parents, spouses, children, and members of our community.
Here are some tips to help ensure the safety of our drivers - your neighbors - and yourself.
- Never text or read while driving.
- Slow down and stay alert.
- If you must pass a collection truck, decrease your speed to 5 miles per hour and use your turn signals. Pass on the left, leaving at least three feet of space.
- Obey all traffic laws. Your state may also have Slow Down to Get Around laws and Move Over laws.
- Leave home 10 minutes earlier than usual on collection days. If you do encounter a garbage truck on your route, you'll have extra time and won't need to worry about rushing.